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الصفوة لصيانة الالكترونيات

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» مواقع دوائر التليفزيون
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 21 سبتمبر 2024, 10:57 pm من طرف mold

» الان ولاول مرة بدائل مكونات السطح الديجيتال وما يقابلها من المكونات العادية
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 21 سبتمبر 2024, 10:52 pm من طرف mold

» جميع توصيلات وسوكيتات كاسيت السيارة بالماركة والموديل
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالجمعة 13 سبتمبر 2024, 10:53 pm من طرف محمودك

» حصريا الكتاب النادر LCD REPAIR كاملا
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 17 أغسطس 2024, 8:42 pm من طرف hatemhosseny@yahoo.com

» شركة المكنان للخدمات المنزلية
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالخميس 06 يونيو 2024, 5:08 pm من طرف gmalnagy

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» شركة كشف تسربات المياه بجدة
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» عطل خط افقى بتليفزيون توشيبا 40 قناه 20 بوصة موديل 2037XEL
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» قسم / دوائر السونى
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالأحد 21 مايو 2023, 12:57 pm من طرف FHZ

» برنامج كيف تصلح التليفزيون؟
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» موقع هندي ممتاز به محاضرات مجانية
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» تعلم كيف تصنع ماكينة CNC من الالف الي الياء
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» أضخم برنامج لصيانة التلفزيون 15000 عطل وطريقة تصليحها
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» برنامج بدائل اللاين
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالجمعة 19 مايو 2023, 3:36 pm من طرف مهدي سبيت

» أضخم برنامج لصيانة التلفزيون 15000 عطل وطريقة تصليحها
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» عطل ماكينة قهوة سلفر كريست
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالإثنين 20 مارس 2023, 10:16 pm من طرف achrafmalki

» تهنئة بحلول شهر رمضان المعظم 1444هـ الموافق 2023م.
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالأحد 19 مارس 2023, 3:26 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» تعلم بدون معلم طرق قياس القطع الالكترونية بالافوميتر
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 10:53 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» دائرة لقياس الكريستالة
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 10:50 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» دائرة لاختبار الترانزيستور داخل الدائرة
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 10:45 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» كاوية لحام محمولة (تعمل بالغاز)
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 10:41 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» تعرف على الافوميتر الديجيتال والانالوج
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 10:38 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» الافوميتر الدجتال
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 10:36 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» دائرة اختبار الريموت
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 10:33 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» كيف تركب العدسة السى باند مع الكيو وتعطى نتيجة عالية
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 10:30 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» دائرة قياس الكريستالات
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 10:28 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» الافو ميتر AVO
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 10:25 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

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» موقع رهيب فى الفيزياء Physics 2000
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 10:17 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» دائرة بسيطة لتوليد الكهرباء من الليمون
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 10:15 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» HyperPhysics
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 10:12 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» Foundations of Electronics - Physics
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 10:10 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» تعديل عرض النبضة PWM
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 9:24 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» كورسات بالفيديو فى الالكترونيات
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 9:21 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» 13-الترانزستور واستعماله كمكبر
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 9:16 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» 1-مقدمة وعرض لبدايات الالكترونيات
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 9:12 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» 2- المكونلت الالكترونية ج1
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 9:09 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» 4-القواعد والقوانين الاساسية فى الالكترونيات
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 9:05 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» 30-Inverter/Non-Inverter Circuits
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 9:02 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» 21-Typical Characteristic of Operation Amplifier
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» 6-الثنائى شبه الموصل (الدايود)
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 8:56 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» 10-الترانزستور
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 8:54 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» 9-الزنر دايود
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 8:50 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» 5- هامة للالكترونيات
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 8:48 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» 8-تغيير اشكال الموجات باستخدام الثنائى(الدايود)
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 8:46 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» 16-الاستجابة الترددية للمكبرات Frequency Response of Amplifiers
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 8:44 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

» 3-المكونات الالكترونية ج2
اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالسبت 04 مارس 2023, 8:40 pm من طرف ۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩

خريطة الموقع
بحث بدائل العناصر الالكترونية
أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا المنتدى
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۩◄عبد العزيز شلبى►۩ - 734
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عمادابوفادى - 725
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khamis54 - 617
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oujda sniper - 288
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FHZ - 232
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royalrom - 161
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أبومحمود - 146
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محمد المنفى - 144
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 اكواد خطأ الطابعات

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 2482
العمر : 50
الموقع : https://alsafwa.ahlamountada.com
البلد : جمهورية مصر العربية
المدينة : الاسكندرية
نقاط : 12631
التقييم : 31
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/04/2008

اكواد خطأ الطابعات Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اكواد خطأ الطابعات   اكواد خطأ الطابعات Emptyالثلاثاء 24 نوفمبر 2009, 8:02 am

اكواد خطأ الطابعات
HP LaserJet

Error 02 Warming up
Turn printer off. Unplug I/O cable from rear of printer. Power up printer and see if it goes to ready. If printer goes to ready, the problem could be a driver issue, a bad I/O port in the computer or a bad I/O cable. If the printer still stays in 02 warm up, replace the formatter board.
Error 11 Paper Out
Check paper tray for paper. Make sure it is seated properly.
Check the tray size actuating tabs on the paper tray for damage. Check to see if the actuators they contact aren't bent. The micro-switches they actuate could be defective or misaligned. Manually depress the actuators and listen for a click.
Check that the paper sensor arm isn't stuck or broken.
Paper Control Sensor PCA is defective.
Error 12 Printer Open no EP cartridge
Check that the toner cartridge is installed.
Check that the top cover is firmly closed.
On HP II/IID/III/IIID printers this error is usually caused by a bad DC power supply.
On HP IIP/IIP+/IIIP printers the primary cause is the density adjusting PCA. There is a slight possibility of it being a bad fan. There is also a slight possibility of the tab on the fuser access door above the MP tray breaking off and causing the error. If the fan starts to run, quits and you notice a burning odor, the scanner motor has failed and needs to be replaced. The problem can also be caused by a defective drum shutter on the toner cartridge.
On the 4/4M/4+/4M+ the tab on the top cover that actuates the door interlock could be broken.
Error 13 Paper Jam
Paper jams can occur in 3 places: Entry, registration and exit.
If the paper isn't picking up out of the paper tray, visually inspect the pickup roller. If it looks shiny, replace it. You should also replace the separation pad as they work together. On the 4L/4P/5P/6P the pickup roller has a plastic shaft that breaks. You'll have to replace the whole pickup assembly. This requires major disassembly of the printer. Check our printer repair kits for your model printer. If you don't see it listed, email us.
If you have an HP 4/4+/5 with an optional 500 sheet feeder that's jamming, check the balance knob adjustment. Center it with a full ream of paper for proper operation.
If the paper is jamming at registration or anywhere between pickup and exit it could be a number of things. Check the paper path for torn bits of paper or label residue. On the II/III series, remove the metal registration guide plate (2 screws) and check underneath it. If the pickup rollers are moderately worn, the paper will stop just short of the registration roller. On the 4L/4P/5P/6P remove the screw holding the oblique roller assembly (Inside front of printer) and pull out and inspect the assembly and the area under it. On the HP 4/4+/5 pivot up the metal plate and check underneath it. Check the roller assembly on the left side for torn scraps of paper (a flashlight or torch is necessary).
Make sure paper cassettes are firmly seated, corner tabs aren't bent. Some trays have lifting springs that could pop out if tray has been dropped.
On HP IIP/IIP+/IIIP printers if the paper scrunches up at the toner cartridge you'll need our Inside Accordion Jam Repair Kit.
Check your software settings in the program you are attempting to print from. Do you have the correct paper size specified? If you have a different paper size than what is in the tray, you'll get a paper jam.
Exit jams are frequently caused by exit sensors. These sensors are typically mounted on the fuser assembly or adjacent to it. They are plastic arms that block and unblock an optical sensor. The arms can get stuck or knocked out of place when clearing paper jams. The optical sensors can also get dirt blocking the photo cell. Clean the sensor and check for free movement and proper installation of the sensor arms.
On HP II/III series exit jams are mostly caused by worn gears. The best way to troubleshoot this is to defeat the door interlock (see door interlock photo on troubleshooting page). Press down on the arm on the top right of the fuser. Initiate a test page. While holding down the arm, press one of the metal cartridge detect switches just below the door interlock. Watch the movement of the gears. You will get a 51 error because the door is open. Recycle power to get rid of error. There is an arm gear on the lower right of the fuser that can shed teeth. There is also a 14 tooth gear below the large gear on top of the fuser. You can also manually rotate the large gear and check for binding or crunching. If that happens, then replace the 14 tooth gear. On the door, there are some delivery coupler gears that mate with the fuser and drive the exit roller. Check the gears for excessive wear. Replace if necessary. If the paper gets almost all the way out and jams, replace the exit roller or the exit roller assembly. If the error occurs after fuser replacement, check and see if the connector on the left of the fuser is properly mated with the one in the printer.
On HP IIP/IIP+/IIIP printers if the paper has accordion folds on the bottom and jams on exit, order our Top Output Accordion Jam Repair Kit.
On HP 4/4+/5 printers the most common cause of exit jams is the exit assembly. Order our 4/4+/5 Exit Jam Repair Kit. Exit jams in the fuser can be caused by a broken fuser drive gear or a broken gear on the fuser. Remove the fuser and check the gear inside the printer for broken teeth. Manually turn the gears on the fuser and check for smooth operation. Check the paper exit sensor arm for proper mounting and free movement.
Check to make sure the rear door is closed on the printer. Open doors can cause 13 paper jam indications.
On the 5L/6L check the registration sensor arm below the pickup roller. Also check the exit sensor arm (bottom center of the fuser). These arms frequently get stuck or dislodged clearing paper jams. On these printers, if you are experiencing frequent paper jams, order our 5L/6L Multi-Sheet/No Feed Repair Kit
Error 14 No EP cartridge
Check that a toner cartridge is installed and fully seated.
On HP II/III and IISi/4Si models check that at least one sensitivity tab is installed on the right side of the toner cartridge. If you see 2 holes and no square plastic tabs sticking in at least one of them, the printer will not see the cartridge. If one tab is installed and the printer still doesn't recognize the cartridge, try popping out the tab and putting it in the other position.
On HP 4/4+/5 printers the high voltage contacts can be dirty or misaligned. If contacts are ok, replace the high voltage power supply.
Error 16 Toner low
Toner cartridge is low on toner. Try gently rocking the cartridge to redistribute the toner. This will buy you 50-100 pages. Get a new cartridge as soon as possible.
Dirty or misaligned contacts on the high voltage power supply.
On the HP II/III printers it can be a loose connector on DC controller see tweaking for instructions on how to repair it.
On the HP 4/4+/5 printers there is a potentiometer adjustment on the left side of the printer. You have to remove the left panel and you'll see it. It's located at about the exact center of the printer.
Error 18 MIO Not Ready
The printer is not connected to a Lan.
The MIO (Jet Direct) card is defective or not seated correctly. Reseat or replace it. If you have another printer with the same card, try swapping them. Always turn printer power off when removing or inserting cards.
Error 20 Memory Overflow
Print job has exceeded the memory capacity of the printer. Simplify the print job, reduce the dpi setting or install additional memory. See our specials page for memory.
Error 21 Print Overrun
See error 20
Error 22 I/O Configuration
Printer or computer I/O configuration is incorrect
I/O cable is wrong or damaged
The computer is switched off
I/O port on printer is damaged. Replace the formatter.
Error 23 I/O Not Ready
I/O card can't accept data or isn't connected to the network. Check card seating (with power off) and replace if necessary.
Error 24 Job Memory Full
Too much data or too complex data for printer memory. See error 20.
Error 25 XXX Memory Full
Too much data or too complex data for printer memory. See error 20.
Error 30 PS Error 16
I/O time out. Printer got tired of waiting for user interaction like a manual feed. Check the I/O connections. Check display panel for media request.
Error 30 PS Error 22/25
Postscript error. Replace the Postscript SIMM module
Error 30 PS Error (all others)
A PCL file was sent to the printer while it was in Postscript mode.
Error 30.1.1 Disk Failure
5si/8000 optional hard drive has crashed. Press select to continue.
Error 40 Data Transfer Error
Printer and computer may be set to different baud rates.
The computer is turned off.
The MIO card is defective or improperly seated.
Press continue or go on the printer to clear message.
Error 41 (temporary print engine error)
Temporary error has occurred. Press Go or Continue. Power cycle the printer.
On IIP/IIP+/IIIP with lower cassette option order our 41 Service Error Repair Kit
Error 41.1 41.2 41.3
Defective connections. Reseat J205,206,207 and laser scanner connectors.
Paper multifeed or wrong size paper being used.
Paper size selection doesn't match the paper being used.
Cassette is overfull or improperly adjusted.
Error 41.4 or 41.5
Formatter PCA or DC controller is defective.
Error 50 (fuser malfunction)
HP II/III series most likely cause is the ac power module is defective. Order the HP II/III Service 50 Error Repair Kit. If the quartz fuser lamp is burned out, order the replacement fuser on specials page. Slight possibility of loose connector on DC controller. See tweaking page DC controller could also be defective, but this is very rare.
HP IIP/IIP+/IIIP most likely cause is burned out quartz lamp. Order the HP IIP/IIIP 50 Service Error Repair Kit. Could also be a failure of the power supply.
HP 4/4+/5 most likely cause is burned out quartz lamp. Order the HP 4 Service 50 Error Repair Kit. Could also be a failure of the power supply.
HP 4L/4P/5L/5P/6L/6P most likely cause is a bad ceramic heating element.
All other printers most likely cause is burned out quartz lamp. In rare instances the ac power supply has failed. Even rarer, the DC controller is defective.
Error 51 (beam detect error)
HP II/III series see tweaking page. Check the tab on the bottom of the toner cartridge facing you as you open the printer. If it's broken off it won't open the laser shutter. Check fiber optic cable for kinks or other damage.
HP IIP/IIP+/IIIP could be either the laser pca or the scanner motor. Listen for erratic sounding scanner motor. There is a tab on the front of the toner cartridge that could also cause the problem. If its damaged or worn, it won't open the laser shutter. Check fiber optic cable for kinks or other damage.
All other printers, replace laser scanner assembly.
Error 52 (scanner motor malfunction)
HP II/III series see tweaking page.
HP IIP/IIP+/IIIP order the 52 Service Error Repair Kit.
All other printers, replace laser scanner assembly.
Error 53 (accessory memory error)
All printers replace bad memory board or defective SIMM. See specials page.
Error 54
Defective duplexer.
Error 55 (internal communication problem)
On the HP 2 series you have to replace both the dc controller and formatter boards. On all other printers it can be several things: DC controller, formatter, main motor
Error 56
On the IID/IIID the output selector knob on the rear assembly is not in the duplex position. On the IIISi/4Si a command was sent to print envelopes while the printer was in duplex mode.
Error 57
6L/5L Memory card incompatibility - 1,2,4,8 MB, 5 volt, 70 nanosecond or faster
6P/5P/5 Improper main motor function, check gear train for binding. Check DC controller connections - replace main motor
4L/4 Main motor problem, check gear train for binding. Replace main motor
IIIP/IIP+/IIP Error 57-1 Incompatible memory can be either in the top or bottom slot. Also check motor cable connections. Replace main motor. Can also be a defective DC controller.
5Si/4+/4Si/IIISi (X=2, 3 or 4) Fan motor is defective, check fan number X or duplexer fan and replace as necessary
5 Main motor failure - replace main motor
4+ 57.1 Gears are seized, main motor is bad or DC controller is bad
4Si/IIISi 57.1 Gears seized, defective top cover switch, faulty AC interlock switch, J010 loose or faulty, bad main motor PCA
Error 58
4/4L/4P/4V/5/5P Check the fan cable - reseat the cable or replace the fan
4V/4MV Defective DC controller board - replace dc controller
4Si/IIISi 58.1/58.2 Paper cassette is impoperly inserted
5Si 58.X Tray/Lifter Malfunction if X=1: Tray 2 lifter, X=2: Tray 3 lifter, X=3: Tray 1 lifter, X=4: Tray 4 lifter Press SELECT to continue
Error 59 Add Memory
4Si/IIISi Not enough memory for PostScript option. Verify SIMM's are seated properly, replace any defective SIMMS
5Si 59.X Main motor malfunciton X=1: Main motor startup failure, X=2: Main motor rotation failure Error 62.X
62.0 Service, 62.1-4 Service, 62.5 Service, 62.6 Service All Printers
1. Improperly seated SIMMs or font cartridge - remove, check and clean the contacts, re-install and try again.
2. Defective Internal Memory - Replace the Formatter PCA.
Error 67 Defective formatter PCA
2/2D/2P/2P+/3/3D/3P/4/4+/4P - Defective formatter board, try reseating the connectors and any accessories you may have plugged in to it, turn power off first!
On the 4Si it could be a temporary error which can be corrected by cycling the power
4V/4MV - Most common cause is a defective paper guide plate assembly.
5Si The field replaceable units (FRU's) not installed correctly. Check and reinstall.
Error 79
Software/drivers, Memory PCA's, Font-Macro-Personality Cartridges, option I/O Cards. Defective toner cartridge in the Laserjet 4 Plus only. Remove any accessories (font cartridges, memory PCA's, SIMMs, etc.) plugged into the formatter card and try again. If the problem persists and is application specific, verify proper setup with application vendor.
Defective Formatter PCA - Replace with known operational board and try again.
Error 80
Improper MIO connection - look at pins on formatter MIO connection
Defective MIO Card - Replace card
Defective Formatter Card - Replace card
Error 89
The PostScript ROM's have bent or broken pins inspect the pins and reseat if necessary
Check to see that the ROM SIMM's are in the proper location and oriented properly
This can also be a temporay error, try power cycling the printer
The PostScript ROM's/SIMM are defective

Epson ActionLaser

E0003 Fusing unit error
E0005 Fan motor error
E0006 Scanner mirror motor error
E0009 Laser light error
E0014 Communication error for engine controller and video controller


A1 Uninstalled waste toner conveyer
A2 Fuser overheating
A3 Fuser heater disconnection
A4 Developer unit life-fuse error
A5 Main charger Arc discharge of contact has occurred.
DEV,FTR,STR bias Short circuit of contact voltage has occurred.
A6 Fuser/Toner Cartridge fan is not rotating at normal speed.
A7 Power supply fan error. Fan is not rotating at normal speed.
A8 Ozone fan error. Fan is not rotating at normal speed.
A9 Multi-Purpose Pickup Roller movement error occured.
B1-B6 Feed cassette bottom plate motor error.
B7 Media transfer roller movement error. Transfer roller did not reach to transfer position or home position within 0.7 sec.
B8 Cyan developing unit movement error. Developer unit did not reach contact position or home position within 1 sec.
B9 Magenta developing unit movement error. Developer unit did not reach contact position or home position within 1 sec.
C1 Duplex communication error
C2 Duplex printing registration error
C3 Duplexer feeding motor error
C4 DF-30 IPC communication error
C5 ST-30 backup RAM error
D0-D4 Firmware program downloading errors
E0 Engine communication error. Parity error occurs or no response comes back from engine.
E1 Main motor unlocked. It is not phase-locked and is not rotating at normal speed.
E2 Laser scanner motor error. The polygon motor does not deliver a synchronous output (L) within the predetermined period of time.
E3 Laser beam detection error. The photo detector board does not deliver a synchronous output (L).
E4 Fuser Heater Error.
E5 Eraser error. The eraser current is less than 15 mA (normally 65 mA).
E6 Engine ROM check sum error.
E8 Fuser unit life fuse error
E9 Toner motor error. The toner motor current is 120 mA or more for one second (normally 30 mA).
F0 Controller system lock error. Communication is failed between the front panel and the main controller.
F1 System Checksum Error. An error is detected in the controller. The Ready-symbol and ON LINE indicators go off; and ATTENTION lights. The printer does not operate when this message is displayed.
F2 RAM read/write error. Checksum is failed with the RAM on the main controller board.
F3 Controller system error.
F4 29000 system ROM checksum error.
F5 29000 main RAM error.
F6 29000 system error


22 Paper Out or Paper Jam
Check for paper in the paper tray
Check the size of the paper in the paper tray to see if it is the same as what the printer is set for.
Defective D-roller
Debris in the paper path
Gears not turning or broken gear
Defective paper tray
Broken input sensor flag
Defective input sensor board
Defective system cable 2
Defective system board

23 Paper Jam
Same as 22 with these additions:
Exit Sensor flag (Fuser)
Exit Sensor board (Fuser)
System cable 1

24 Invalid Manual Feed
Paper feed into the Manual feed when printer is pulling paper off paper tray
Don't feed paper in the manual feed unless requested
See 23

30 Open Cover
Install Toner Cartridge
Check the Switch activator (hangs down on left side of Top Cover)
Check output voltages on the low voltage power supply. See Page 2-19 in the service manual
Replace the high voltage power supply
Replace system cable 2 (NOTE: the HVPS and system cable 2 can be checked by checking continuity across J14-5 and J14-6 and activating the switch on the HVPS)
Replace the system board

31 Change Paper
Paper size requested by the software is different than the installed paper
Install the correct size paper and change size setting to match
Software setup
System board

31 Change Envelope
Envelope size requested by the software is different than installed paper
Install the correct size envelope and change size setting to match
Software setup
System board

35 Paper Error
See 23

36 Load Paper
See 23

37 Stop Command Received
Press Start/Stop to clear
Software setup
Software drivers
System board

40 System Board Failure
Replace system board

41 Requested Font Not Available
Install requested font and try again (font card or software)
Software setup problem
Defective font card
Defective system board

42 Requested Font not Available
See 41

43 Font Card Error
Font card removed with power turned on. Cycle power
Defective font card
Defective system board

44 Font Card Error
See 43

45 Downloaded Font Error
Software setup
Software drivers
System board

46 Download Character Error
See 45

47 Language Error
Normal Mode (IBM)
Unsupported card installed
Defective card
Defective system board

Postscript Mode
Make sure that Postscript is selected on printer and computer
Make sure that a Postscript font card is being used
Defective font card
Defective system board

54 Serial Error
Check serial configuration settings (printer and computer)
Communication cable
I/O card in Computer
System board

55 Font Error
See 45

89 Output Tray Full
(4029-04x only)
Remove paper from output tray
Check flag operation
Replace the card photo sensor
Replace the cable
Replace the system board

900 System Board Failure
Remove options and try again (NOTE: when removing the Postscript board, you must replace the 2 IBM ROMs)If the printer now works, replace options one at a time to test them
Replace system board
Defective system board

910 Font Card Failure
Reseat font card
Defective font card
Defective system board

920 Fuser not up to temperature
Check resistance of the fuser, lamp, thermofuse, thermistor
Low voltage power supplyThere is no reliable check, other than to exchange the part out
System cable 1Check for continuity
Fuser power cableCheck for continuity
System board

921 Fuser not up to Temperature
See 920

922 Fuser not up to Temperature
See 920

923 Fuser Over Temperature
See 920

930 Mirror Motor
(not up to speed)
Reseat cables between the print head and the system board
Defective print head
Defective cables
Defective system board

931 Mirror Motor speed detect error
See 930

932 Mirror Motor speed detect error
See 930

940 Laser Beam detect failure
See 930

941 Laser beam detect failure
See 930

950 System Board Failure
See 900

960 Memory Error
See 900

970 Fan not turning
Reseat cables between the fan and the system board
Replace the fan
Replace the cables
Replace the system board

980 System Board Failure
See 900

990 System Board Failure
See 900

Okidata OL Series

10 An error was detected by the program ROM check
20 An error was detected by the font ROM check
30 An error was detected by the resident RAM check
40 An error was detected by the EEPROM check
50 A font card error was detected
60 An optional RAM board error was detected
70 A fault occurred with the fan motor
71 A fault occurred with the fusing unit
72 A fault occurred with the thermistor in the fuser (open check error)
73 A fault occurred with the thermistor in the fuser (short check error)
80 An interface time-out occurred between the main controller board and the operator panel
81 An interface time-out occurred between the main controller and the optional tray
90 A watchdog timer time-out occurred
F0 Firmware Program Error


E10 Abnormal charge corona current
E11 Abnormal transfer corona current
E12 Discharge LED open or no +24 VDC
E13 Correct toner density not obtained after 90 seconds. Toner supply and toner hopper have toner
E20 Scanner motor speed is not stabilized after 7 seconds
E21 Auto power control end signal of laser not detected
E25 Main motor speed is not stabilized after 1 second
E26 Fan motor is not on or no +24 VDC
E30 Fuser temp over 446°F (230°C) or open thermistor
E31 Fuser temp below 356°F (180°C) for 1 minute or fuser temp below 167°F (75°C) 40 seconds after power on
E80 Fuser and transfer corona units reach time for replacement
E81 Ozone filter reaches time for replacement


C1 Optical System Error
C2 Driving Motor Defective
C3 Polygon Motor Defective
C4 High Heater Temperature
C5 Low Heater Temperature
C6 Thermistor Open
C7 (Reserved by Factory)
C8 (Reserved by Factory)
C9 (Reserved by Factory)
P2 Control PWB RAM Read/ Write Error
P4 Serial Communication Error
P5 (Reserved by Factory)
P6 (Reserved by Factory)
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